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Questions About DUIs

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This FAQ list on DUIs will help to give you a better understanding of what a DUI is and what you should do if you happen to be arrested, along with other helpful information. Here are some questions and answers about DUIs.

What is a DUI?

A DUI is a charge that a person may be cited or arrested for when they have been caught driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. DUI stands for driving under the influence.

Can you be arrested for a DUI?

Yes, in fact, in most cases a person will be arrested for a DUI. While it used to be commonplace for people to be cited for their first offense, the laws have become stricter due to the increase in DUI-related deaths caused during accidents where drinking or drug use and driving have been main factors.

How much alcohol will get you in trouble?

Each state will have their own laws regarding the amount of alcohol you can have in your system. Also, keep in mind that alcohol reacts differently to different people. So, if one person has two drinks and then gets in the car a half an hour later, they may not have much alcohol in their system. However, another person who has two drinks and then drives a half an hour later may still have a lot in their system and be very affected by it. Since one can never tell how their body will process alcohol, it's best to never drive after drinking any alcohol and to have a designated driver.

How do the police know how much you have had to drink?

If law enforcement is concerned about your driving and has reason to believe you may be drinking and driving, they will pull you over. They will give you a field sobriety test that involves doing simple tasks a sober person would have no problem doing, but that someone under the influence would struggle with. After you have gone through these tests to give them an idea of just how intoxicated you are, then they will have you blow into a breathalyzer to see just how much alcohol you have in your system at the moment.

What happens if I am arrested for a DUI?

Being arrested for a DUI is a very serious thing and you are going to want to get yourself a lawyer. The lawyer can help you to get less time, or even no time in jail at all. They can also get you lighter punishments with regards to things like fines or community service. A lawyer may even be able to get the charges brought down to less severe ones, or possibly get them dismissed.
