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A Case Of Mistaken Identity In The Surgery Room? You Have Grounds For A Malpractice Suit

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At hospitals, surgical teams go to considerable lengths to ensure that they operate on the right patients. In most cases, this is exactly what happens, but there are still cases that make headlines because a surgical team performed the incorrect surgery on a patient. For example, in a case of mistaken identity or botched paperwork, you and another surgery patient could have your scheduled operations inadvertently switched, resulting in each of you having a surgery that wasn't necessary or correct. Perhaps the only silver lining in this unfortunate scenario is that you have grounds for what is likely an easy malpractice suit. Here are some points that your medical malpractice lawyer will build around.

Suffering Based On Magnitude Of Surgery

Surgical procedures can be minor or major, and it's possible that you were scheduled for a minor surgery and ended up getting a major one done. This is a big issue because what would be a short and relatively painless recovery period will now be lengthy and may be very painful. Your malpractice attorney will paint a picture of you going through this difficult recovery and how it was entirely unnecessary if it were not for the negligence of the surgical team.

Delay In Getting The Right Surgery

Inevitably, the switch-up will come to light quickly — likely, as soon as you wake up from the surgery. You'll be in a situation in which you've gone under the knife but haven't had your original issue addressed. This doesn't necessarily mean that you can just have the surgery that you were supposed to have, however. Depending on the type and magnitude of the incorrect surgery that you just went through, it could be weeks or even months until your body is strong enough and ready to go through the proper surgery. In the meantime, your condition could worsen and your pain could intensify.

Lifestyle Interruptions During Recovery

Your malpractice attorney will also get you to describe what impact the surgery is having on your lifestyle. If you were scheduled for a minor surgery and you inadvertently went through a major one, you could be looking at a lengthy time away from work, missed vacations and other functions, and a lot more disruptions. Don't be afraid to cite every inconvenience that the surgery mix-up has caused you, and you and your attorney will have a successful medical malpractice suit that will pay you for your troubles. 
