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Don't Get Too Merry: What To Do If You're Arrested For A DUI This Holiday Season

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The holidays will soon be here. It's time to start planning for all those parties you'll be attending. Chances are good that most of them will have alcohol involved. If you drink, you'll want to make sure you're prepared for the ride home. During the holidays, law enforcement officials are out in full-force, looking for drunk drivers. Even if you've only had one or two drinks, and you think you're perfectly capable of driving home, there's still the chance that you'll get pulled over. You could also make a wrong turn and get stuck in line for a DUI checkpoint. If that happens, you'll need to be prepared for what happens next. Here are four steps that will help if you're arrested for a DUI.

Never Admit to Drinking and Driving

If you're arrested for a DUI, the last thing you want to do is admit to drinking and driving. Even saying that you had a couple of drinks could come back to cause problems later. First, by admitting to having a few drinks before you got behind the wheel of your car, you're admitting to breaking the law. Second, if you say you only had a couple of drinks, and your blood alcohol content shows considerably more than that, you look like you've lied to law enforcement. Don't admit to anything.

Avoid Becoming Belligerent

You might be downright angry that you got pulled over, and even angrier that you got arrested. Don't let that anger show. You don't want your anger and belligerence to add to your troubles. If you become belligerent, you could end up with additional charges against you. Instead, remain cool, calm, and collected. You can blow off steam, and vent your frustration once you're out of police custody.

Make Your One Phone Call Count

Once you're arrested, you'll be given the opportunity to make one phone call. Make sure you make that call count. You'll want to call someone that you know will be able to come bail you out, or that will be able to make the necessary calls for you. Once you get out of police custody, you'll want to contact an attorney as soon as possible. You don't want to try and represent yourself in a DUI case.

Be Pro-Active in Your Approach

While you're awaiting trial, you want to do everything in your power to improve your chances of a light sentence. In fact, you want to work towards having the charges dropped altogether. One way to do that is by taking a pro-active approach. First, look for witnesses who can provide a timeline for when you stopped drinking. Second, if you think you have a drinking problem, or you've been arrested for DUI before, sign up for an out-patient recovery program, especially if you think the judge will order it. It will look better if you've already taken matters into your own hands. Contact a lawyer, like Robert A Murray, for more help.
