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Injured In A Car Crash? Here's How To Optimize Your Potential Compensation

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Being injured in a car accident that wasn't your fault may mean that you are entitled to receive compensation for your pain and suffering. You will have to negotiate with the other party's insurance adjuster, who is likely to do their best to minimize any compensation that's paid out to you. Because of this, it's a good idea to hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you throughout the process. And if your case ends up in court, your lawyer can be invaluable as they understand all the red tape and legal paperwork that will need to be traversed. Here are a few things you can do to help your attorney maximize the potential compensation that you are awarded in your case:

Take Plenty of Photos

One of the most important ways you can support your lawyer when representing your case is to take lots of photos. You should photograph the accident scene to help prove your point of view about how you were injured. While at the scene, take photos of any landmarks and visual information that relate to your case, as well as skid marks or other proof that the accident occurred in the area you are documenting.

It's also a good idea to take photographs of any damage that has been done to your vehicle. Make sure the vehicle is under the sunlight or a bright light in the garage so ensure that the damage can be clearly seen. If you are suffering from any visible bodily injuries, take pictures of each injury as soon as possible after the car accident, and then retake the photos about once a week throughout your personal injury case so you can prove how long it takes you to recover.

Locate and Talk to Witnesses

When you head to the scene of the accident to take pictures, spend a little time speaking with people who live nearby to find out if anyone witnessed the crash. If any witnesses are found, ask them to write down their account of the accident so you can present it to your attorney. Make sure witnesses include their names, phone numbers, and addresses so they can be contacted if your lawyer has any questions about their statements.

To ensure that the witnesses provide enough pertinent information and are thorough when recollecting their accounts, ask your attorney to create witness forms and provide you with a stack to take with you to the accident scene. You should also make sure that you're armed with your lawyer's business cards so you can give one to each witness. This way witnesses will be able to contact your lawyer with additional information if they later think of something they didn't include in their statements.

Document Your Progress

In addition to taking photos and talking to witnesses, consider keeping a diary that documents your progress as you heal and have your vehicle repaired. Spend a few minutes each evening writing down pertinent information such as:

  • The type and amount of medication you've had to take throughout the day.

  • Whether or not you had to miss work due to your pain.

  • How much income was lost for the day because of injuries you've endured.

  • Your overall mindset about the pain and suffering you have face during the day due to your accident.

  • Doctor and therapy appointments you had to attend.

Your lawyer can use your diary to calculate how much income you've lost due to your injuries, as well as gauge the extent of your pain and suffering to figure out the amount of compensation that you should seek from the party at fault.

These methods and techniques will help support your lawyer as they represent you, as well as keep you involved in your case from beginning to end. Click here for more info on personal injury cases. 
