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Understanding Motorcycle Ejection And How To Avoid It

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If you are a motorcycle rider, or even a regular passenger on a bike, you probably understand that you have an increased risk of being injured. In 2012, 4,957 people were killed, and approximately 93,000 were injured, while riding on a motorcycle. Not only do you have no roof, airbags, or even seatbelts, the bike you are riding is lighter, and harder to see than a passenger vehicle. Unfortunately, many motorcycle accidents can result in you being ejected from your bike. Understanding the causes of ejection, and how to avoid them, is the first step to increasing your safety.

What Are The Cause Of Motorcycle Ejections?

Anytime you are riding, you and your bike are going at the same rate of speed. If something, such as an accident, causes your bike to come to a sudden stop, your body does not always have time to process this information. Your body will be propelled in the direction of the impact.

For example: In the case of a frontal impact crash, or if you attempt to brake too fast, you and your rider run the risk of going over the handlebars or being ejected from your bike in a forward direction. In the event of a side impact crash, you run the risk of being ejected off of your bike at an angle. This is because your  bike's momentum is still moving forward, but the impact is pushing you sideways. In blending these two, if you are ejected, your body will often go at an angle.

There are several common causes for these types of accidents to occur. Some of these include:

  • Other vehicles pulling out or turning in front of you
  • Riding in the door zone, which allows car doors to be opened in front of you
  • Potholes and road debris
  • Tailgating and your inability to stop to avoid an accident
  • Uneven pavement
  • Being rear-ended by other drivers

Unfortunately, in many motorcycle ejections, it if often difficult to avoid injury. Your best bet is to try to avoid the ejection altogether. 

How Can You Avoid Motorcycle Ejections?

While you may not be able to control all of these situations, there are a few things that you can do to make your ride safer.

Many motorcycle accidents are caused by other vehicles who either do not see you or misjudge the speed at which you are traveling. Part of your job when you are on your bike is to anticipate and look for signs that you may be in danger. When you see a potential situation, always be prepared to take evasive actions.

  • Slow down and cover your brake when approaching an intersection with another driver. Even reducing your speed by a few miles per hour can make a difference in the severity of your injuries in the event of a crash.
  • If the driver you are approaching at an intersection is sitting still, watch their wheels for signs of movement. This will be your first indication they are getting ready to move.
  • Assess your road surface condition to know how quickly you are going to be able to shed your speed, or how your tires will react to a sudden stop. This will allow you to maintain the most control of your bike.
  • Remain aware of other vehicles which may be beside or behind you. It does not do you any good to avoid an accident in front of you, only to be run over from behind.
  • Avoid riding in door zones. If vehicles are parked on both sides of tight streets, always ride closer to the center line.
  • Always scan the road in front of you and try to avoid potholes, road debris, uneven asphalt, or other types of surfaces which could eject you from your bike.
  • If you have to brake suddenly, keep in mind the vehicle behind you. Attempt to position yourself to the extreme right side of the lane. If the other driver is unable to stop in time, they will be less likely to strike you and knock you into oncoming traffic or into the vehicles in front of you.

If you have sustained ejection injuries, or any other type of injuries, in a motorcycle accident as the result of negligence on the part of another driver, you need to contact a motorcycle accident attorney. They will help you to recover compensation not only for your injuries, but also for your medical costs, lost wages, and even pain and suffering. Call one for a thorough assessment of your case.
